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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:04 am    Post subject:

Tom - if there is no warning from Gixen everything is fine. You can test your ebay authorization by importing your watchlist (non-completed auctions only are imported). If you see your watched auctions imported, everything is fine.

You will get a notification both from Gixen and eBay.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:39 am    Post subject: Some newbie questions

Hi there guys,

Ok so brand new to the service, gunna hit go on your mirror service in a bit as the item I want to bid for is a car I quite like. However, I’m at the in-laws place in the UK and their internet connection has a mind of its own and I don’t feel comfortable trusting it to not fail when I try to snipe it. Enter Gixen!

1.) having never used the service before how can I tell that you will be able to enter my bid for me now I have given you permission via EBay? I’m keen to avoid some unknown issue or error message that makes me fail to even lodge a bid via you guys.

Is there some type of test we can do to ensure all is functioning well ahead of the real deal? (Happening in approx 18 hours)

2.) presumably I just sit back and watch the bid play out and should I be successful does the notification come through straightaway from you guys via my gixen account or direct via EBay as you have bid on my behalf?

Cheers in advance!

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