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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:58 pm    Post subject:

I'd categorise a 'snipe' as a bid placed in the last minute or two of an auction... so I wouldn't say a bid placed 11 minutes before the auction was a snipe, no... but some might I suppose.

It was a bid of 42, bids of amounts much more than the current auction price can be placed at any time during the auction and if they are still higher than any other accepted bid at the end of the auction they will win. It's actually what Ebay itself recommends that you do in order to take advantage of what they call their 'proxy bidding system'. What it actually means, in practice, is 'we'll immediately let any other bidder know their bid wasn't high enough to win the auction until one of them bids more than you've specified, and only then will we let you know you've been outbid', personally I recommend an automated sniping service like Gixen over that.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply

Mark, thank you for your prompt clarification. Until this auction, I had always won with substantially lower final (increment) bids than my max bids. It's a new experience for me. It's all about experience and expectations. Was expecting that the price would increase by an increment only.
So the 42 bid placed 11 minutes before the end was also a snipe bid? Thx, Martin
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:56 am    Post subject:

The next highest bid was 42 placed more than 11 minutes before the end of he auction. Certainly Ebay would have only displayed an auction price of 9.59 until your bid was accepted, because the next highest bid below that was only 9.09 and Ebay does not ask a bidder to pay any more than one bid increment more than the next highest bid.

Since your bid was more than that 42 bid you won, you would not have been asked to pay more than one bid increment more than the next highest bid, so if that was the value of your snipe you were slightly unlucky, a bid of 42.01 would also most likely have won and you would have been asked to pay no more than that.

All this is just how Ebay works, if you would have preferred to lose at a price of less than 10 why did you choose a snipe value of 43 ?

It's never advisable to set a snipe amount above what you are happy to pay, but should instead be at a level above which you believe another bidder would be paying too much. If that is what you did, then this result is favourable for you, isn't it ?

On Ebay it is always the highest accepted bid that wins, once that bid of 42 was accepted by Ebay it was impossible for any bid lower than that to win the auction.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:41 pm    Post subject: Won, but not by an increment.

Hi, I've just won an item, but not by an increment. It jumped for 9.09 straight to 42 and then to 43USD. Which was my max bid. Was expecting the final price to jump by an increment, not by over 300%. Any ideas/clues?

Item ID: 124651335814

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