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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:31 pm    Post subject:

I'm guessing you added this item to a Group, and then won an earlier auction in the same Group ?

That is what normal Groups do, they are not to organise your snipes, but to ensure that you only win one of them.

Modifying the item will re-enable it, as you have found, because it's equivalent to starting a new Group.

Any snipe that is given the CANCELLED status will not be executed by Gixen.

I removed the details of your modification as it is not a good idea to reveal your potential bidding, on a auction that is still live, on a public forum.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:00 pm    Post subject: EBay item #194595868811 CANCELLED

I just went to my snipes and decided to increase my bid. All of a sudden it did not show this item as 'CANCELED'. It now shows as 'SCHEDULED'. I am totally baffled now! When I chose to up my bid, it was showing there was one bid at $9.99. My bid then was $nn.nn. I raised my bid to $nn.nn (I just read on your forum to place the highest I was willing to go, so I did.) This would not have any bearing on my situation, would it? Why did it say CANCELED in the first place?! Thanks again! (very frustrating!)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:45 pm    Post subject: EBay item #194595868811 CANCELLED

One of my auctions I am bidding on, EBay item #194595868811, now shows up in my snipes on Gixen as CANCELLED. When I go to the actual listing of this item #, nothing indicates it is cancelled. Just the usual "place your bid now if you want to win". I tried looking up on Gixen what CANCELLED meant and what could cause this, but I could find nothing. (I used to find answers on Gixen for all such things.) What I am trying to find out, did Gixen cancel this? If the seller does not indicate anything is cancelled and their auction is going on like it usually does, will Gixen be placing my snipe the last few seconds of the auction or will Gixen not place my snipe since it shows it as cancelled? Should I cancel this particular snipe and re-enter it? I did try to re-enter it and I could not because Gixen said this item # was already in my snipes. I am very confused about this particular situation. This auction ends in one day 18 minutes. I would like to know if there is anything I can or should do to remain in the bidding for this? As I am sure it is obvious, I do not do extensive bidding and am ignorant of the finer points, rules and errors. I am always willing to learn and try to. I just do not know where I can find this information on my own. What happened to all the rules, tips and help Gixen had several years back? I sure could use it. I've tried looking for it many times and just not anywhere obvious or at all. Thanks to all who could advise me on this. Hopefully, an answer will come before the end of the auction. Unless there is no way to stay in the bidding! Would not matter then! But I would like to stop the obsession!

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