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PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:11 pm    Post subject:

How do you receive these requests? In email notifications?

Just ignore them, it was never my intent to make anyone feel guilty :-). Subscribers are free to keep ads off, or turn them off and on as they want.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 6:11 pm    Post subject: Supporting Gixen

I've paid for a two-year subscription to Gixen and yet I receive requests to enable ads to help support the site. I really, really don't want to see ads, but I have a rather active guilt complex. What to do?

Is there a possibility of creating a premium subscription (or tiered levels) that could provide extra support to the site *and* eliminate requests to enable ads? I'm game if you are.

Thanks for a great service. You've done a lot to reduce stress and boost success on eBay auctions!

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