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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:56 am    Post subject:

All you need to do is change the target ebay site to be UK, under the 'Settings' button on the main snipes page.

Once done Gixen will submit bids directly to as you want.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:38 am    Post subject: uk gixen

any chance of a option??? offers some high volume buyers a points system for any item bought, from any country. points are then eventually converted into money off discounts.

however, since gixen places bids via (even on english items) i get no points, and have reluctantly decided to start using a - far less efficient- uk sniper.

sad to end, as i love gixen's ease of use and reliability- in several years it has only gone down a couple of times.

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