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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:20 pm    Post subject:

It would also be great if you could enable a 30 day running total of winning bids...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:25 am    Post subject:

I would definitely like this feature as well. I used to use JBidWatcher, years ago, and it had this functionality. I haven't needed this since I've switched to Gixen, as I've largely been focused on one-of-a-kind items. I've started a new project that can leverage this functionality.

Would it be possible to enable this, with the disclaimer/caveat around S+H? I know some of the other features have some warnings (example: multi-win).
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:48 am    Post subject:

OK, I've not noticed that but could put a limit on domestic items only to at least get the core of this functionality in.

I find Gixen very reliable but it's a pain to have to edit each item individually. Sometimes I can add 20 items to my watch list that I want to import into a group. The import from watchlist is great but then I have to go one by one adding each item to the group and working out what the max bid for each is, taking into account the S+H for each so that the max I'm willing to pay is not exceeded.

I used to run esniper on a NAS with the |es|f| web frontend on top and that could take the shipping costs into account for groups and it was great. I moved away from having a NAS and maintaining Linux packages was a pain so Gixen fills the sniping gap but I really miss this feature.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 11:13 am    Post subject:

Unfortunately the shipping and handling cost provided to Gixen is often inaccurate. Often when the transaction is international the costs obtained only reflect the domestic shipping charge.

I've been complaining about that for many years, but it never seems to get fixed.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 11:05 am    Post subject:

Not sure I understand. The S+H cost is already pulled in and displayed against each item in Gixen. Would it not be possible to change the bid logic from:

IF current bid < max bid THEN place bid


IF (current bid + s+h) < max [b]cost[/b] THEN place bid

This would open up setting a max total cost value for a group and enable bulk add without having to calculate the max bid of each item in a group individually.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:22 am    Post subject:

S&H is unreliable, as they depend on buyer's location in many instances.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:46 am    Post subject: Suggestion - Group Editing

It's great you can place items into groups and have them auto-cancel when you win one but it seems like an obvious next step to be able to set the max bid for all items in a group and ideally, to have it take S+H costs into account (which are visible on the item details).

Currently each item has to be edited individually and added to the group with the price set one by one.

The ideal workflow would be:

1. Import bunch of items from watched list
2. tick boxes next to items to be grouped
3. enter group name and max price

And that's it. Gixen should then bid up to the max price, including S+H until an item in the group is won and then cancel the rest.

That would be perfect.


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