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PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:09 pm    Post subject: Suggestion: Allow us to follow eBay searches

"Problem 3: eBay's API restricts searches to 1.5 million per day (for each developer). That's like how many I need just to myself"

I'd love to a partial listing of what you are shopping for on a daily basis.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:43 am    Post subject:

This is interesting... the reason for limit is obviously resource limits. If everyone did 1.5 million searches per day... well, that would require some serious hardware upgrades by eBay.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:03 pm    Post subject: Suggestion: Allow us to follow eBay searches

Suggestion: Add the ability to follow eBay searches. If this is too taxing for the website, then add this feature to the desktop manager.

Problem 1: It takes a long time to search for and find auctions to bid on (or Buy-It-Now items to buy). Especially when you search for many different items regularly.

eBay's "solution" to Problem 1: Follow searches and be alerted via email when new items are posted that match your search criteria.

Problem 2: eBay limits followed searches to 200, and limits notifications to one time per day. Not nearly enough, nor often enough for a power buyer.

A solution to Problem 2: use eBay's API to search regularly (as often as every 15 seconds) for newly posted items matching your description. You can integrate the API into software like Gixen's Desktop Manager. There are already tools that do this: uBuyFirst, ItemALARM, SearchDome, etc.

Problem 3: eBay's API restricts searches to 1.5 million per day (for each developer). That's like how many I need just to myself :P

A solution to Problem 3: Have each Gixen user apply to be a developer?

In conclusion: Having the ability to automatically search for relevant auctions within Gixen would save a lot of time and result in more won auctions for users.

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